7. Marketplace
On the marketplace, you can sell off some goods you produced, or you can buy raw materials, supplies or components necessary for production.
7.1 Buy
There are three different types of tradable goods in Kosmor: raw materials, supplies, and (ship) components.
In the purchase menu, you can choose from one of these types, after that, a list of the available goods will be displayed.
Each goods' identifier is composed of the name itself, the abbreviated factory type, and the techlevel of the good.
Example: The tech level 2 supplies good, which is producable in the machinery factory, is displayed as: Radar Dish(m2).
For each good, the last market price("Price") and the last volume("Vol") is displayed, as well as the number of sellers ("Sell") and potential buyers ("Buy").
To enter a purchase order, just click on the desired good. The purchase order form is displayed.
Here, you see a chart of the last market prices and volumes. You should now enter the quantity and the goods' delivery destination solar system.
After sending the order, you get an order confirmation. You can see through all your orders in your orderbook and cancel them, if required.
In the next turn, your broker will send you a message about your transaction(s) on the intergalactic goods market. The following trade constellations are possible:
- Your purchase order has been completely executed. Your money has been transferred to the seller, whereas you have received your goods in the stock of the "delivery solar system".
- Your purchase order has been partially executed. There were not enough sellers willing to sell their goods at your price. Of course, you only had to pay for the goods shippable to your "delivery solar system".
- Your purchase order has not been executed. Either, there were no sellers for that good at all, or other buyers outbid your purchase offer.
Note: The High Council regularly trades supply goods on the marketplace, but no component goods. If you need components, you have to find other imperators, willing to sell you. If you require a particular component, go ahead and post your request into the Kosmor trade forum.
7.2 Sell
After clicking on the "sell" button, a list of available goods, from all of your stocks (in every solar system) is displayed.
In this sales form, you can fill out multiple fields at once, and thus sell multiple goods in one transaction.
If goods (like raw materials) are distributed on different solar systems, you can specify to sell them from which solar systems.
In the next turn, your broker will also send a message about your transaction(s). These are the possibilites:
- Your sales order has been completely executed. All goods have been sold to the purchasing parties and the proceeds have been transferred to your account.
- Your sales order has been partially executed. There were not enough buyers to cover your supply. The remaining units have been transferred back to your stock.
- Your sales order has not been executed. Either, there were no buyers for that good at all, or other sellers were willing to sell at a lower price. All units have been transferred back to your stock.
Note: The market prices are determined by supply and demand.
Example: if there is a single seller, selling one good for 100 credits, and a single buyer, paying up to 150 credits for that good, the market price will be 125, resulting in equal advantage for both seller and buyer.
7.3 Orderbook
In the orderbook, all of your sales and purchase orders are listed.
A summation shows the anticipated proceeds from your market transactions.
Each order can be cancelled. If you cancel a sales order, the goods will be instantaneously delivered back to the originating solar system stock.